Monday, October 27, 2014

Collaborative Rara Avis, Final Part

And finishing up...
L to R:  Claire Simon, Lynn Starun, Janet Ducote, Paula Ehrich
artist Clair Simon
artist Lynn Starun
artist Janet Ducote
artist Paula Ehrich

From members not present -
artist Liz Demaree
artist Linda Mead

And some members who were present and enjoyed seeing what everyone did!
L to R:  guest, Dolores Fish, Sam Forlenza

We at BAR extend
A Big Thank You to 
Elissa Kessler Caporale & Jow Reilly, co-chairs, 
for all their work on Rara Avis Collaborative!

Photo credit:  Shari Seltzer top photo, Janet Ducote the rest 

1 comment:

Hi Bar Members and book arts Friends. Please keep your comments to the subjects of book arts and the Book Arts Roundtable. We'd love to hear about books, websites and other sources of inspiration. Update us on your progress with a book related project.