Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Really Good Resource

I recently discovered the   Center for Book Arts Blog.  I'd learned about it because by friending them on Facebook.

There's a daily pattern to the posts throughout the week---Methods Monday, Typeface Tuesday, Wednesday Exhibitions, Thursday Terms, Friday Insights.

My favorites are the TypefacesMethods and Terms.
You may think you know all about some of these basics,
 but it can be good to reset your mind with proper techniques.

The subjects range from scoring to Coptic binding to tipping end sheets to brayers to bone folders and much, much more.  The typeface this week is Goudy Oldstyle which I love and have in my type drawers.  One of the illustrations in the post is a portrait of Goudy made entirely of Goudy Oldstyle type (see below).  It's worth taking the time to go back through the posts as far as January of this year when it the daily columns bagan.  Look on the right hand column and you can go systematically through the months.  I like to check at least weekly to see what is there!